Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy "Top Gun" Day!

Friday the 13th isn’t usually a day to celebrate.  Typically it’s a day to be viewed with a superstitious eye, but not today…this Friday the 13th is “Top Gun” Day!  Today marks the 25th anniversary of the release of quite possibly The Greatest Movie Ever Made.

I’ve seen “Top Gun” more times than I can possibly count.  It’s probably the one movie that I could watch over and over and over again (like, multiple times in one week) and literally, never get bored or sick of it.  It’s always on the list of my Top Five Favorite Movies, and the “Top Gun Anthem” was played as my wedding party and my husband and I were introduced at our wedding reception.  It’s cheesy, and fun, and over the course of two hours, Tom Cruise wears a flight suit, tight jeans, and choker whites.  What more could a girl want?

It’s actually really funny to watch “Top Gun” now.  I can remember as a kid that my mom would let me watch it, but during the sex scene with Maverick and Charlie (which my mom referred to as “The Blue Scene”), she would fast forward it, deeming it too risqué for my little eyes.  Watching it now, it’s funny because it’s really not a bad scene at all…there’s a little tongue and some spit-swapping, but there’s not even any boob shown.

With the dialogue full of sexual innuendos, it’s also a good thing for my mom that I wasn’t very quick on the uptake as both a child and as a teenager.  I was probably 19 or 20 before I finally caught on to what Slider’s “Yeah, well, so’s my Johnson” line to Goose actually meant.

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the release of “Top Gun,” it was remastered digitally and rereleased into select theaters for special two-night showings.  My husband, mother-in-law, siblings-in-law, and I all went last Monday night for a viewing of The Greatest Movie Ever Made.  Being that it was a movie that everyone in the theater had clearly already seen at least six times, there were lots of murmurings and rumblings throughout the theater, but it was so cool to hear those noises.  People (myself included) were cheering when the opening titles came on the screen, quoting the dialogue along with the movie, and singing “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling” along with Maverick and Goose.  It was amazing!

And lastly, speaking of Goose…

One of these times that I watch this movie, I’m still holding out hope that Goose won’t die.  One of these times, he’s going to pull that ejection handle and he’s going to clear the canopy with ease.  Until that happens, watching Goose die on a movie theater-sized screen was even more heart-wrenching than usual.  I cry every time it happens, and this time was no exception.  Okay, let’s be honest here…I cried MORE than normal.

In honor of Goose, here's my very favorite "Top Gun" moment.  If I ever get to meet Anthony Edwards, I'm going to ask him if he can still laugh like this.

And remember: there are no points for second place.


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