Monday, May 30, 2011

Recipe Redo, is it a Do or a Don't?

So, my partner in crime and I are having a deep, philosophical conversation about the worthwhileness of attempting to fix a flawed recipe.  The recipe in question should have been awesome.  It looked good in pictures, it sounded good on paper, but at the end of the day the finished product was underwhelming.

In this specific instance we decided that the best route to go was to simply find a new recipe online and try that.  But it begs the question, when a recipe doesn't live up to expectation, should you say screw it and move on, or attempt to remedy it?

For me it comes down to a couple of things.  The first is, how badly did I want the recipe to work out?  if it's something that I thought should be fantastic and I was super psyched about, I'll probably try to tweak it or fix it. I might do as we decided to do above and search for an alternate recipe for the same thing, provided that I know where the recipe went wrong, or have an idea of what I'm looking for in an alternate.  The other thing is do I think a redo will improve the finished product?  Recently I made some cornbread from a recipe off the Food Network website, it was okay, not great. The dictionary definition of underwhelming.  The thing that I realized was that I don't really like cornbread all that much.  So this recipe will probably not get a second chance, because I'm just not enthused enough about the finished product to go to the effort of adjusting the recipe or finding a new one, even though that would take me all of thirty seconds and one visit to Google.

What do you think?  Does a recipe that falls flat get a second chance, or do you just move on?

Also, by way of a post script, we will be debuting a new regular feature here at Eat, Read and Be Merry in a few days.  The Cook-Along.  Cook-Along has a few basic rules.  One, the participants will execute the designated recipe on the same day.  Two, the participants will execute the recipe EXACTLY as written, unless other wise agreed upon before hand.  Three, at no time will the participants attempt lemon bars, because lemon bars are my nemesis and my new oven is still really clean and I'd like it to stay that way.  So stay tuned, the first Cook Along should be up for your reading pleasure in a few days.  Ta-ta till then.


1 comment:

  1. I've decided that a recipe redo is acceptable, but if searching for a new recipe doesn't yield any interesting results within the first 10 hits on Google, then it's not worth it anymore.
