Monday, June 6, 2011

That Weber Grill Commercial

So have you seen this Weber Grill TV commercial?  It was all over last summer, and I showed it to anyone who would get near enough to a computer that I could pull it up.  Well, of course, we moved and got rid of the cable, and moved again, and so by now I’ve forgotten about it.  Except that while we staying in the hotel in Birmingham several weeks ago it came on ESPN while Andrew was watching a ball game (had to have been the Tigers, but who knows who they were playing).  I had truly forgotten how much I love this commercial.   I had that song stuck in my head for days.  Do you enjoy this commercial as much as I do?

Here, watch it once or twice then we’ll talk.

Right?  How do you feel now?  Happier right? And maybe like going out and grilling something tonight?  That’s the point of the commercial of course, the big bad secret behind the happy music and the funny dancing, but I don’t care.  It’s fun to dance to when it comes on, and Max always laughs, so I say Madison Avenue hit this one out of the park.   Watch it a few more times, or go here to see the other versions of it from this year and last year.  Your toes will be tapping before you know it.


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